
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

There was enough information on how to get buffed by the 1950s!

I believe there was enough information on how to Get Buffed!™ by the 1950s. Some would say that this is not so because there were relatively few people who were buffed! True, but I suggest the limitation was access to the info, not an absence of information.

Fast forward to now, some 60 years later - and I suggest there is too much information. Or at least too much worthless information, written by stamp collector like keyboard warriors seeking to sell another instant ebook or rehashed copy-a-collection-of-other-peoples-works book.

The challenge or limiting factor in the 1950s to Get Buffed!may have been the challenge of getting access to the information, in the snail mail world of that time. Now its knowing which information to read.

I suggest that if in doubt, check out what they were doing in training and nutrition during the 1950s. Start with John Grimek, Steve Reeves and Reg Park - the last of the pre-drug era bodybuilders.

Yes, there may have been some advancements in training since then, however at least you know you are studying information from people who have achieved and then shared, rather than the many of authors in the get buffed space who jumped past the achieving thing like a game of snakes and ladders, going straight to the sharing part. Just what they are sharing is the issue.

Start your Reg Park studies at

I enjoy my workouts with Reg looking over me!

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