
Sunday, July 29, 2012

Performance enhancing vs. health supplements

I recently received a question on the KSI Members Forum at which sought guidance regarding supplements.  They knew which brand I use for ‘health’, and wondered what brand I used for ‘performance enhancing’.

Q. Could everyone share what brand of supplements do you use or recommend for performance/training purposes? Be it strength training, bodybuilding, sport, etc.

Here is in part my response: (the full exchange can be seen at

A… for performance enhancing – I don't see a line between health and performance enhancing, and I rarely recommend any other brands for anything. There are very few holes in this companies range and it just keeps getting better.

As Carl does, I add raw eggs from my back yard organically fed chooks when I want to boost the protein content of their meal replacement powder, and or cream / yogurt etc.

I have been using protein supplements for 30 years now and find this brand the only one that i stay leaner on (note i said leaner, because I am not focused on nor am I overly lean)

….you have, as most do, simply come in with the conditioned thinking from mainstream marketing in physical preparation.  Most other companies and their users have no chance of understanding this as the 'health' products (e.g. vitamins) that they make are pretty muchly useless and give no effect to the person.

What you are about to see is an explosion in this companies sponsored athletes -remarkable when you consider they pay no athlete to endorse - just give product (imagine some other companies doing that......)

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